Make your workplace

a happy place

Are you in need for HR support in Belgium?

Are you tired of losing time and your energy with HR Management?

Are you looking into outsourcing your troubles?

Our services

It is well known that many small- to medium-sized companies don’t have enough time nor resources to properly manage HR and HR projects in an efficient way.

Outsourcing your HR management services means you can save costs, energy, and time, without the crushing expenses of an internal department. SoRH is the solution to effective and affordable HR management services!

We help you organise your company. This includes:

• Audit / legal matters
• KPI & HR strategy
• File management
• Internal communication
• Policies & procedures
• Advice on adapted contract
• Work medicine & wellbeing
• Tasks analysis and repartition
• Negotiations & conflict
• Onboarding/Outboarding
• And more!

Do you need an extra hand for your HR team to tackle specific projects? We can help! This includes:

• Internal specific projects
• Ponctual help resolution
• General support for your HR team
• And more !

We help you manage the daily tasks of people and payroll management. This includes:

• Absence management
• Payroll full management
• Contact with all HR related institutions (social secretariat, taxes...)
• And more !

We will help you define, manage, and optimise the best-paid packages for your staff! This includes:

• Compensation & benefits
• Car fleet
• GSM – mobile fleet
• Insurances
• Social Security and Taxes
• And more!

We help you train, motivate, and nurture your team of winners. This includes:

• Events & team building
• Knowledge transfer
• Performance & evaluation
• Training
• Motivational coaching
• Conflict management
• And more!

We enable you to recruit your next talented team member! This includes:

• Job Description
• Searching
• Negotiations
• And more !

About SoRH

Started in 2016, SoRH is the result of years of experience but also the combination of passion for making people happy at their workplace while participating to the success of the company!

We believe that a good HR management is crucial in a company and that every company should benefit of this kind of services. This is why we developed for small- to medium-sized businesses an outsourcing of this function to be managed by third-party expert with a limited cost.

With a range of professional and custom-made services, our central goal is to help companies to manage their HR efficiently while participating in the success of the company.

When SoRH works with you, we consider your business our own, and you will see this in everything we do.

Our accessibility, flexibility, adapted budget, customised service and large HR expertise are much appreciated by our customers.

Our mission

We believe that employees are the company’s backbone, so it’s very important to understand that enabling them to focus on their work keeps them productive. SoRH developed consultancy in order to help you reaching that goal by improving your HR management. We offer customised punctual and recurrent services for your HR management.

Our values

Hubertine P. Soares,

CEO & Founder

Hubertine P. Soares is the founder and central driver of SoRH. Strong of her background and master in HR at ICHEC, Hubertine noticed the need of small to medium size companies to have a qualified HR in their companies.

Someone who could work together with the CEO and speak the same language as the third parties (social secretariat, social security, tax offices and so on).

“Make your workplace a happy place while being successful” is really what can resume her vision. Sociable, empathic and professional she tries to bring all this energy to all customers willing to work with SoRH.

What they say about us

Thanks for the “extra-mileage”, much appreciated! I could also have a real business support, thanks for your help in this success story!


We started at 1 day then very quickly we understood that we needed much more !


I don’t know what we could have done without you ! 


Thanks for the great work and help, without you we couldn’t make it!


Thanks for the pleasant collaboration!


We appreciate your professionalism and flexibility even after !


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Mailing Adress

SoRH – Avenue Louise 65 – 1050 Brussels – Belgium
VAT: BE 0658.800.937

Email Adress

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Human Resources Solutions

SoRH – Avenue Louise 65 – 1050 Brussels – Belgium
VAT: BE 0658.800.937